Flow: (Part 1) Anchor & Open • Brittney Burgess • 30 min
(Part One) This strong flow offers a focus on hip strengthening and opening, utilizing Warriors II and III woven into your Sun Salutations. You get to experience both the anchor of your feet on the earth and your strong legs supporting you, right alongside the opportunity to soften and open in asanas including lizard and half pigeon. This flow can stand alone, or can be coupled with the "Rise ad Shine" heart opening flow (Part 2) for a longer practice!
Suggested props: 2 blocks
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This practice offers a tutorial on how to create an aligned chaturanga. Moving from the easiest variation to the most demanding so practitioners can feel empowered in the choice they make to create a sustainable, strong, & safe chaturanga in their flow practice.
Suggested Props: Two equal sized ... -
Sutras: Sthira and Sukha • Kate Heffe...
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Yoga in Spanish: Explicacion de Band...
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