R&R: Restorative Star Sequence • David Magone • 60 min
Floor based stretches for the entire body and a guided fifteen minute breathwork practice.
Suggested props: Bolster
Up Next in Yoga
Iyengar: Inversion Practice for Begin...
Join Nadja for a sequence that prepares you for headstand and shoulderstand. Please have some knowledge of these poses before trying them on your own. Tristan and Heloise demonstrate 2 ways to practice each pose, one with more support, one with less.
Suggested props: blankets, blocks, belt
Iyengar: Unlocking the Breath's Poten...
A short asana sequence to prepare for breath work, followed by two breathing techniques
This segment presents a streamlined sequence of postures to relax the body, open the chest, and smooth out the breath. We then practice two basic Pranayama techniques: Ujjayi I & IISuggested Props: 2-3 b...
Iyengar: Viparita Karani Cycle • Tris...
Viparita Karani, or Legs Up the Wall, is a wonderful pose cycle to practice at the beginning or end of a longer practice. It is also a perfect stand alone practice to help recharge and revitalize, or calm down, at any point during the day. Truly versatile! Please do the whole cycle, or shorten it...