Mat Pilates • Hannah Adams • 30 minutes
Hannah Adams
Join Hannah Adams for a 30-minute Mat Pilates class focused on stability and functional mobility. With her grounded humor and approachable style, Hannah makes every movement feel effortless and enjoyable. Perfect for all levels, this class will leave you feeling strong, centered, and energized.
Up Next in Hannah Adams
Power: Straddle Press Handstand Works...
Move through some flow-styled drills to introduce the components of your straddle press: legs, hips, core, arms, and hands. In the end, we will put the pieces together and try to straddle press to handstand. The expectation is that you use the drills to both strengthen the body and your understan...
Flow: Splits and Backbends • Hannah A...
Enjoy this Flow class filled with movement, moments of stillness, and breath. Work gradually through a few lunge and split variations, Ardha Ustrasana (Half Camel Pose), flip-dogs, and Urdhva Dhanurasana (Upward-Facing Bow Pose).
Suggested props: Two blocks or sturdy books, strap or belt, bolste...
Flow: Jaw, Neck, Core, and Hips • Han...
Flow through a variety of poses to find strength and ease in the body, beginning with the jaw and finishing with the hips. The breath will be our tool for both letting go and feeling centered. Some of the poses we will move through include: forearm plank, Vasisthasana (Side Plank Pose), Urdhva Pr...