Journey into Power • Braxton Rose • 60 minutes
Braxton Rose is a local legend. Born and raised in Boston suburbs, Braxton became the go-to yoga and functional movement specialist of major league baseball, hockey, and football teams in both New York and Boston.
Baptiste trained, he counts Gregor and Claire as his earliest mentors and Masaaki's direction of young teachers as the gold standard. But don't stereotype him too soon because he is also certified in Yin Yoga, Reiki, and is a renowned Egoscue Postural Therapist and functional movement expert. Locating dysfunctions in biomechanics/gait and reprograming your body to optimal movement patterns is Braxton's greatest professional love rivaling his love for dynamic, vigorous power yoga.
Up Next in Power
Heated Flow • Masaaki Okamura • 60 mi...
Masaaki has training in Kyokushin-karate, with the Hong Kong Royal Police Aikido team, and the Hong Kong Asian Olympic Judo team. He brings over 20 years of martial arts training to his teaching with a strong emphasis on mental training. He has over a decade of teaching experience influenced by C...
Power: Straddle Press Handstand Works...
Move through some flow-styled drills to introduce the components of your straddle press: legs, hips, core, arms, and hands. In the end, we will put the pieces together and try to straddle press to handstand. The expectation is that you use the drills to both strengthen the body and your understan...
Power Flow: Bow Bow • Franny Diaz-Gil...
This practice includes multiple postures that will give you opportunities to incorporate dynamic chest expansion variations. There is a nice balance between holding shapes with breath, observing how the subtle body reacts to them, and opportunities for a more vinyasa focused kind of movement with...