

Power and Heated Flow classes teach powerful dynamic sequences in heat and humidity, demanding rhythmic breath and personal evolution. The purpose of the intensity is self-study - bringing you to your edge but also cradling you there.

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  • Power: Strong and Fluid • Brittney Burgess • 60 min

    Join Brittney for a full 60 minute vinyasa practice. Play with the shape of half moon and discover the opposing experiences of strong holds and fluid movements as you make space to experience the full spectrum of your practice.

    Suggested Props: Two blocks

  • Power: Sweet & Sweaty • Amanda Califano • 30 min

    A power flow to awaken your mind and body to leave you feeling energized and ready for anything!

    Suggested Props: 2 blocks

  • Flow: Bird of Paradise Prep • Sara Bravo • 70 min

    We will warm up the entire body for a challenging pose called Bird of Paradise. This flow's primary focus is on hip opening, core & back strengthening, and hamstring lengthening. Remember to use your breath to guide your movement and let go of any expectations. I hope you enjoy this flow.


  • Power: Hip Stability • Braxton Rose • 30 min

    Take your strength to a new level with this 30-minute Hip Stability class. This class will focus on creating power and flexibility in your hips to create more flexibility in your spine.

    Suggested Props: Block/Water Bottle

  • Power: The Three Greatest Stretches • Braxton Rose • 10 min

    On a time crunch? On the run? In the airport? This 10 minute class will hit the three areas of your body that are responsible for lower back pain.

    Suggested Props: Wall & Block

  • Power: Release and Open • Brittney Burgess • 35 min

    This 30 minute class focuses on strengthening and opening hips and hamstrings with the invitation to energetically release the end of one year and open to the beginning of a new year. Brittney will guide you through Sun As, a creative variation of Sun Bs and will complete class with half pigeon....

  • Power: Connect to Self • Eden Marcus • 40 min

    In this 40-minute Power Flow, join Eden on your mat to connect with yourself. With a focus on back strengthening and heart-opening, you will leave feeling lighter and more open.

    Suggested Props: None

  • Power: You Are A Million Little Miracles • Tara Morris • 1hr

    A classic power yoga class: Sun salutations, lots of balancing poses, long holds in strengthening poses, and interesting flowing transitions.

    No props needed.

  • Power: Sweet & Sweaty • Amanda Califano • 45 min

    Move, energize and sweat while you work your core and open your hips, heart and mind during this power flow class.

    Suggested Props: 2 blocks

  • Power: Short, Sweet & Sweaty • Amanda Califano • 20 min

    This class will give you a quick energy boost and warm you this season. We’ll invigorate, flow, and work the core.

    Suggested Props: 2 blocks

  • Power: Detox Twist • Sami Lea Konczewski • 45 min

    Wring yourself out with this twisty Power Flow with Sami. You'll visit a steep mountain of twists moving from the earth to the sky. All levels welcome!

    Suggested Props: 2 blocks

  • Power: Revitalize • Brittney Burgess • 45 min

    Nourish your body with deep breaths, strong movements and intentional focus. Flow through this 45 minute power flow with Brittney to awaken a vibrant, charged energy through a strong, upbeat sequence of sun salutations, twists, core strengthening and heart opening.

    Suggested Props: 2 blocks

  • Power: Stability Flow • Brittney Burgess • 20 min

    Join Brittney for a soothing, yet powerful flow.

    Suggested Props: Two blocks

  • Power: Hands Down, Sky High • Sami Lea Konczewski • 40 min

    The journey towards handstand moves through peaks and valleys. Discovering sweet moments of joy in the shape are often balanced by moments of fear, anticipation, frustration, and exhaustion. We've all heard the cliches about the journey being more important than the destination, but they're out t...

  • Flow: Learning to Fly – Handstand 101 • Justine Wiltshire Cohen • 15 min

    Inversions are a game-changer for any yoga practice. They teach us courage, reveal our relationship to fear, uncover where we are weak and invite us to discover the power of perspective. Director Justine Cohen breaks down the simplest preparations for handstand at a wall, laying the firm foundati...

  • Flow: Strength & Surrender • Justine Wiltshire Cohen • 30 min

    Director Justine Cohen shares her half-hour, go-to sequence of juicy poses. From her favorite powerful standing poses to heart-opening backbends, this flow asks you to explore your relationship to intensity and softness. Flow teacher, Sami Lea Konczewski appears with Justine.

    Suggested Props: 1...

  • Flow: Universal Yoga Basics • Jovan Tevin • 40 min

    Universal Yoga, created by Andrey Lappa integrates all systems of Yoga where you get to practice Asana, Pranayama, Mantra, Yantra, and Meditation within a single class. In this very short 40 min introduction, Jovan will be taking you through the basics as you begin with classical sun salutations ...

  • Flow: Circles Around the Sun • Sami Lea Konczewski • 60 min

    Connect with the spirals of your body and the cycles of nature as you float through this mandala flow with Sami. You'll touch each major part of your body, shedding light and inviting space within so that you can tackle the depth and darkness with your breath. All levels welcome!

    Suggested Props...

  • Power: Making Shapes • Franny Diaz-Gilligan • 40 min

    This 40-minute power yoga flow will guide you into shapes that you will maintain and sustain while being physically challenged and taken to your edge.

    Useful props – blocks, blanket to pad knees, strap

  • Power: Side Plank Tutorial • Susan LoPiccolo • 25 min

    Check your alignment and learn the proper form for multiple side plank variations. Find the modification and options to ensure you are getting the most from this dynamic pose. Susan will take you through the pose step by step for both forearm and high side plank variations. Finish the tutorial wi...

  • Power: The Exhale • Brittney Burgess • 30 min

    Bring ease and softness to your practice through a practice that is light on your wrists and targets opening of your hips and hamstrings. Discover the quality of your exhalation as a gateway for clearing out and an invitation to soften. This practice is for all levels.

  • Flow: Quick Twists • Franny Diaz-Gilligan • 20 min

    Whenever you are in your day, this practice will invite energy in while you twist and flow. You will begin right away with some unique twisting Surya Namaskar A (Sun Salutation A). These twists will be incorporated throughout the rest of class along with belly down backbends and hip-opening. Your...

  • Flow: Core Crush • Sami Lea Konczewski • 15 min

    Invigorate and strengthen your center. This is a great add-on for your yoga practice or can be taken independently if you have a limited amount of time. Move through several variations of belly-up ab exercises and end with plank variations. Tune in to feel connected to your internal fire.

  • Power: Energizing & Opening • Susan LoPiccolo • 20 min

    A power flow that will increase your energy, open your hips and challenge your core in only 20 minutes. You will sweat, breathe, move and stretch. Made for all levels, no equipment necessary.