

Power and Heated Flow classes teach powerful dynamic sequences in heat and humidity, demanding rhythmic breath and personal evolution. The purpose of the intensity is self-study - bringing you to your edge but also cradling you there.

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  • Flow: The Awakening • Brittney Burgess • 20 min

    Salute the sun and open your heart! For a day when you don’t have a whole lot of time, join Brittney for a 15-minute practice to awaken and renew. Move through Surya Namaskar A and B (Sun Salutations), followed by a brief, invigorating series of backbends.

  • Ashtanga: Breathe Through Salutations • Jovan Tevin • 40 min

    In this 30 minute video, Jovan will be guiding you into your body going as you breathe your way through Sun A, Sun B, and the standing sequence of the Ashtanga Method.

  • Power: Test Yourself • Susan LoPiccolo • 60 min

    Strengthen your body, test your balance, and challenge your concentration and focus in this sixty-minute power flow. You will build core and glute strength and find yourself in twists and fun standing balance flows. Yoga blocks are recommended.

  • Power: Strengthen & Uplift • Brittney Burgess • 60 min

    Strengthen and Uplift! Join Brittney for a one hour practice to strengthen your legs and core and open your heart. Flow through Sun Salutations, crescent lunge variations, and backbends as you allow the rhythm of your practice to set a template for your day.

  • Power: Flow into Flying Fish • Kristina Grinovich • 60 min

    Feeling like a fish out of water? Come back into your breath and your body. This hour of power will get you moving and flowing into flying Matsyasana (Fish Pose), an inversion, backbend, and lots of fun. This class is made for all levels, a knowledge and experience of yoga is helpful. Get ready t...

  • Power: Confidence is Power • Franny Diaz-Gilligan • 30 min

    Tap into your breath and strength to flow confidently and powerfully. Move through Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations) to get your body warm and comfortable before getting into strong standing shapes with a hint of balancing and back bending. Create a confident and strong fire, let it burn, release ...

  • Flow: Hip Opening • Sami Lea Konczewski • 30 min

    Enjoy a nourishing dive into the hips in this short Vinyasa flow class. Give your upper body a break as this class focuses on warming and creating spaciousness in the lower half. Move through lizard lunge, a few standing poses including Garudasana (Eagle Pose), and then wind down with Eka Pada Ra...

  • Power: Straddle Press Handstand Workshop • Hannah Adams • 40 min

    Move through some flow-styled drills to introduce the components of your straddle press: legs, hips, core, arms, and hands. In the end, we will put the pieces together and try to straddle press to handstand. The expectation is that you use the drills to both strengthen the body and your understan...

  • Power: The Inhale • Brittney Burgess • 30 min

    Get your sweat and vitality flowing with this empowering class. Access the invigorating energy of your inhale through Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations), twists, core work, and backbends. Practice keeping your breath at the forefront of your awareness as you cultivate the awakening quality of breat...

  • Flow: Focus on the Feet • Franny Diaz-Gilligan • 75 min

    This uplifting Flow class will work with a number of big toe poses. You’ll do them reclined, in forward folds, on your side body, and standing, working towards Utthita Hasta Padangustasana (Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose). Expect a nice balance of moving through shapes and holding shapes. Each sha...

  • Power: Journey into Power • Brittney Burgess • 90 min

    This vitality-boosting, empowering Baptiste “Journey into Power” sequence creates balanced action. Discover equanimity and ignite your intentions in this transformative practice!

  • Flow: Backbending • Hannah Adams • 80 min

    This full-length flow class will bring you through a variety of back-bending poses, all with a gentle approach and an emphasis on breath.

    Suggested props: 2 blocks

  • Ashtanga Fusion: Advanced Arm Balances • Jovan Tevin • 50 min

    In this 50-minute video, Jovan will be taking you through a challenging series of arm balances followed by passive shoulder stretching. Experience the energetic polarities of water and fire as you build your stamina and concentration. Familiarity with arm balances recommended.

  • Ashtanga Fusion: Longitudinal Splits • Jovan Tevin • 50 min

    Starting off with Traditional Sun Salutations followed by Ashtanga’s Standing Sequence; Jovan’s focus will be on the hamstrings and the muscles within the groins to better access our longitudinal splits.

  • Power: Range of Motion • Franny Diaz-Gilligan • 50 min

    Tap into a strong foundation in each of your poses while exploring your range of motion in both your body and your breath. Begin on your back, move through Surya Namaskar A (Sun Salutation A), and flow through a series of standing poses, plank variations, and some flips and backbends before endin...

  • Flow: Splits and Backbends • Hannah Adams • 60 min

    Enjoy this Flow class filled with movement, moments of stillness, and breath. Work gradually through a few lunge and split variations, Ardha Ustrasana (Half Camel Pose), flip-dogs, and Urdhva Dhanurasana (Upward-Facing Bow Pose).

    Suggested props: Two blocks or sturdy books, strap or belt, bolste...

  • Ashtanga Fusion: Backbends • Jovan Tevin • 70 min

    In this 70-minute video, Jovan will be taking you through an Ashtanga sequence, focusing on lengthening the spine and finding greater access into your backbends. Jump and flow your way through a shuffle of asanas found in intermediate and primary series.

  • Ashtanga Fusion: Hips & Low Back • Jovan Tevin • 70 min

    In this 70-minute video, Jovan will be taking you through an Ashtanga sequence where the focus is on opening the hips and the muscles in the lower back. Allowing us to feel more grounded within our bodies, on and off the mat.