Bakasana • David Magone • 14 min
Join Down Under School of Yoga's David Magone as he explores preparatory stretches, entry approaches and tips to help you catch some air in Bakasana (Crow Pose).
Adho Mukha Vrksasana • Justine Wiltshire Cohen • 5 minutes
Join Down Under's beloved founder and principal Justine Wiltshire-Cohen as she safely breaks down Adho Mukha Vrksasana (handstand).
Garudasana • Justine Wiltshire Cohen • 2 minutes
Join Down Under's beloved founder and principal Justine Wiltshire-Cohen and Erran Gilchrist for a walk-through of Garudasana (Eagle Pose).
Sirsasana • Justine Wiltshire Cohen • 10 minutes
Join Down Under's beloved founder and principal Justine Wiltshire-Cohen as she breaks down the king of all asana, Sirsasana.
Galavasana • Emily Sullivan • 5 minutes
In this five minute asana lab, Emily Sullivan leads you into flying pigeon, also known as galavasana.
Suggested props: 2 blocks
Suggested pairing: Flow: Intermediate/Advanced Flow • Emily Sullivan • 40 minutes -
Urdhva Dhanurasana • Paulina Haduong • 15 minutes
Ashtanga teacher Paulina Haduong teaches how to safely get into Urdhva Dhanurasana, upward facing bow, sometimes known as wheel pose. This is an intense backbend, and this practice is recommended after another full practice or warmup.